
“That some of us should venture to embark on a synthesis of facts and theories, albeit with second-hand and incomplete knowledge of some of them – and at the risk of making fools of ourselves” (Erwin Schrödinger)

Witch King

I just finished reading Witch King by Martha Wells for my sci fi book club.

tl;dr I rate the book 2 stars.


I am writing this some time after reading, so my memory is fuzzy.

There are two plots in parallel across two periods of time. In one, in the past, we learn the history of the beginning of the rebellion against the Hierarchs. In the other, in the current, we follow the witch king Kai as he unravels the mystery of his imprisonment.

Some time ago the Hierarchs invaded the continent and destroyed everybody in their path. Literally - they razed cities, slaughtered the nomadic tribes, using a powerful form of death magic. Why did the Hierarchs invade? We never find out.

What we do find out is how Kai and a prince team up to break out of the palace where they are imprisoned. There's a strong degree of plot armor over the participants, as we follow their parallel journey in the future. Long story short, Kai manages to defeat the Hierarchs in the palace and the prisoners escape.

In the present, Kai wakes to find himself imprisoned once again in an underwater tomb - water disables Kai's demon powers. After escaping, Kai joins with his band of friends to find their missing friend, in the hopes of figuring out how they were imprisoned.

The band of heroes travels around the world, ultimately arriving back at the same palace from the earlier timeline. There the final showdown occurs: we discover the conspiracy consolidate power in the alliance that emerged after the defeat of the Hierarchs.

What I liked

I found this book an easy read, which was nice after slugging through The Information, a far more challenging book. That said, I liked the different magic systems, and I thought there was potential in some of the characters, but I didn't feel it was executed upon.

What I didn't like

Clothes. Everybody's clothes are described in detail! Why.

Who were the Hierarchs? What was their motivation to invade? What was their grand plan? So many unanswered questions.

I also didn't care for Kai's lack of confidence. As a demon among humans, capable of draining the life from victims, and later learning how to conjure magic, I was disappointed that Kai was so awkward. I mean he's the Witch King! Act like it.

Wrap up

I wouldn't recommend this book. There's more rewarding fantasy out there.