
“That some of us should venture to embark on a synthesis of facts and theories, albeit with second-hand and incomplete knowledge of some of them – and at the risk of making fools of ourselves” (Erwin Schrödinger)


I watched my friend depart on the train this morning, headed back to Spain. It's been a whirlwind two weeks.


I picked up my friend from the airport two weeks ago. It was his first time visiting the United States, and his first chance to meet team mates in person. We stopped for drinks with a few New York City locals, then headed back to Jersey.

Early the next day we set out in the car to Pittsburgh, through the beautiful rolling hills of Pennsylvania. Of course, we breakfasted at Cracker Barrel - the most American road trip diner.

This was my second time in Pittsburgh, but the first in Pittsburgh proper. The city is gorgeous: the meeting of the rivers nestled in the mountains makes for a scenic downtown.

The conference was excellent, though my highlight was the time spent with coworkers.


The next stop on the road was Washington, DC. My European friend described it as "European," which is also how a resident of DC described it in comparison to London.

We toured DC with another friend of mine, also visiting for the first time. I led us on a bike tour of the monuments, along the Mall and the Tidal Basin. As for museums, we wandered the air and space museum (unfortunately partially under renovation), the national gallery of art, the botanical gardens, and the national museum of asian art. My highlight was the Wright brothers exhibit, and the following quote:

If you are looking for perfect safety, you will do well to sit on a fence and watch the birds; but if you really wish to learn, you must mount a machine and become acquainted with its tricks by actual trial.

I also met up with ex-colleagues from my last company. It was nice to reminisce - and also nice to reflect on how much I've grown in a few short years.


We drove back to Jersey, with a quick stop in Princeton for lunch. The weather was warm and sunny, the campus lush with ivy.

The next week was mostly spent in New York. One evening we dined with my siblings. Another we watched Hadestown on broadway - I enjoyed the set design.

The highlight was Memorial Day, a jam packed day of activities. I tried bouldering for the first time: there's an efficiency of movement that a newbie doesn't grasp. Then, an epic game of chess - me vs 3 friends, from which I came out victorious. Then, my first time at a gun range: good 'murican fun. After, billiards, and finishing with a burger and beer.

One takeaway

My favorite part of traveling is breaking out of my daily routines. I am susceptible to tunnel vision, to falling into a rut of the well-trodden daily habits.

I appreciate the broader perspective that comes from new experiences. I am delighted when I discover that I still have more to discover about myself.

My key takeaway from this trip regards fear. When I was rock climbing, even though I was held securely by the ropes, I could not jump off the wall. I felt the fear viscerally, I willed it but my hands wouldn't budge. Fear is deep rooted, in the "emotional brain" - it cannot be reasoned through. It has to be felt, acknowledged, accepted. It's uncomfortable. But it's not insurmountable.